1.1-OTT - The Queen Of All Everything (7:53)
2.2-Suduaya - Patience (HD) (8:58)
3.3-Carbon Based Lifeforms - Photosynthesis (5:45)
4.4-Man With No Name - Azymuth (7:44)
5.5- mantra - Nocturne (HD) (8:06)
6.6-Asura Atlantis Child (10:56)
7.7-Zero Cult - Blue Harmony (8:52)
8.8-Cell - Phonic Peace for Tibet (7:58)
9.9-Shpongle - Around The World In A Tea Daze [Ott Remix] (Unofficial HD Music Video) (8:33)
10.10-Entheogenic - Oak Seers (8:50)
11.11-Vibrasphere - Manzanilla (8:55)
12.12-Sysyphe - Sinking (8:52)
13.13-Aes Dana - Summerlands (5:40)
14.14-Carbon Based Lifeforms - Abiogensis (6:37)
15.15-Len Faki - Kraft Und Licht (7:10)
16.16-Solar Fields - Discovering (11:03)
17.17-Bahramji feat. Elea - Flying Carpet (7:43)
18.18-Ray Charles - Say No More (Sinoptik Music Remix) (6:30)
19.19-Etnica - The Beast Man (8:31)
20.20-Symphonix - Crystal Emotion (6:36)
21.21-Cell - Audio Deepest Night (10:20)
22.22 RA - March Of The Lunar Priests (7:55)
23.23-Jirah - Disconnect (8:28)
24.24 -Stwo - Eden (Wolf Saga remix) (3:33)
25.25-ABAKUS California sunshine (6:15)